Page 7 - Strengthening EU-Mongolia Friendship through Equitable, Resilient andInnovative Growth in Darkhan-Uul Province 2022-2025 PROGRESS UPDATE -1
P. 7


        The  Darkhan  City  Forum  (DCF),  a  unique   executive and legislative authorities and to
        facility for mainstreaming and strengthening   the business associations.
        the process of social inclusion and participa-  The DCF will be headed by a Convenor.
        tory governance, will provide the FRIEND-  The Convenor will  hold regular meetings
        SHIP project with more acceptability based   with the DCF members to discuss various
        on  the  fairness  and  transparency  goals  of   issues related to social inclusiveness and
        the project. The forum will seek to encour-  civic  matters  and  liaise  with  the  Darkhan
        age  dialogue  on  economic  policies  cutting   City officials in resolving them. The DCF will
        across the topics of governance, social in-  provide the vital link between the work of the
        clusion, greening, and innovation and will   IDEF network and local-level participation to
        set up an enhanced mechanism between   provide social acceptance of the efforts. The
        the Darkhan-Uul Province Municipality, the   DCF Rule Book is going through the phase
        private sector, non-governmental organiza-  of assessment and consolidation of baseline
        tions, academia, and citizens.  This will be   assessment and will be aligned with the pro-
        in  addition  to  discussing  the  facing  issues   posed structure of the Rule Book. The Rule
        affecting the municipality. Moreover, the fo-  Book will provide Darkhan-Uul Province Mu-
        rum will contribute to the process of finding   nicipality and its’ soums a direction to make
        appropriate  solutions  by  conveying recom-  progress towards localization of SDGs and
        mendations to decision-makers in both the   SDG-aligned budgeting.

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