Page 2 - Strengthening EU-Mongolia Friendship through Equitable, Resilient andInnovative Growth in Darkhan-Uul Province 2022-2025 PROGRESS UPDATE -1
P. 2


                                                            Food Security
                Smart city             Sustainable

           Digital and                                                 Industrial
        Connected city                                      Affordable   Zone
                        Resource-               Youth and
                        Efficient and           Entertainment city
                        Circular city


            In the frame of establishing the IDEF   will  have  ten  members. The  five  sub-com-
        set-up, developing concept notes, rules and   mittees are represented by 5-members each
        regulations, and membership activities have   and focus on specific priorities aligned with
        been executed. Through a consultative and   the purpose of the FRIENDSHIP project.
        collaborative approach, the Concept note   The sub-committees will be composed of
        and Rules and Regulations were crystal-  EU-Darkhan policymakers, business lead-
        lized  into  the  Operational  Manual for  the   ers, academia, industries, local authority of-
        implementation  IDEF  work  program.  The   ficials, etc. The role of the sub-committees
        IDEF committee members discussed during   is to create strategies, create investment
        the inter-partners meeting the validity of the   opportunities  in  the  priority  areas,  and  will
        document in meeting the requirement of the   engage  in  further  dialogue  with  external
        FRIENDSHIP  project  finalized.  The  draft   stakeholders in the EU and Mongolia to fa-
        framework and plan of IDEF were discussed   cilitate investments, and sustainable busi-
        during the Roundtable organized during the   ness opportunities in priority areas, including
        1st Mission from EU Delegation in Mongolia   skill-building and socially inclusive projects.
        between 26th June and 3rd July, 2022. The   The 1st meeting for the IDEF network
        IDEF structure was planned and constituted   will be organized in November 2022 in Ri-
        to meet the expectation of the FRIENDSHIP   jeka, Croatia, EU. The meeting will be orga-
        project and drawn from the assessment re-  nized in the hybrid mode. IDEF committee
        port based on EU-Mongolia Multiannual In-  members,  delegates  of  Mongolia  and  the
        dicative Programme 2021-2027.       European Union, experts, policymakers, and
            As  proposed  to  the  European  Com-  researchers will participate in discussing in-
        mission by the FRIENDSHIP project, IDEF   novation, green cities, entrepreneurship,
        executive committee and sub-committees   support for start-ups,  and other  related  is-
        were constituted. The executive committee   sues such as employment and accessibility.

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