Page 3 - Strengthening EU-Mongolia Friendship through Equitable, Resilient andInnovative Growth in Darkhan-Uul Province 2022-2025 PROGRESS UPDATE -1
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            The  first  Best  Practice  Forum  has
        been successfully organized in 1st and
        2nd of July, 2022 in Darkhan-Uul Prov-
            The Best Practice Forum has been
        highly successful, with fair representa-
        tion from the EU within the leadership of
        NALAS. NALAS Secretary General Mr.
        Kelmend Zajazi led the delegation; he
        was accompanied by high-level mayoral
        delegations and other secretariat team
        members from NALAS.  The high-level         Tripartite MoU signed by the DUPM,
                                                            SAB MULS, and NALAS.
        mayoral delegation included Marko Fili-
        pović, the mayor of Rijeka;  Tadej Beoč-
        anin, the mayor of Ajdovscina; Jasmina
        Vidmar,  Association of Municipalities,
        and towns of Slovenia (SOS); Dušan
        Raičević, the mayor of Bar. The delega-
        tion  member  also  includes  international
        experts and members of IDEF commit-
        tees,  Kamlesh  Kumar  Pathak,  Green-
        Works Consulting, and Mehmet Onur
        Partal, Director of Finance Office of Pres-
        idency of Turkey.                                     The First Best Practice
            The Best Practice Forum has seen                       Forum meeting
        a highly motivating presence from SMEs,
        associations,  and  non-profits  represent-  an delegation the scope and judge the potential
        ing women, youth, and indigenous com-  match-making  opportunities  between  the  EU
        munities from Darkhan.  The forum has   and Darkhan.
        provided an opportunity for engagement   The  Governor’s  office  of  Darkhan-Uul
        on the National Government Plan for de-  Province, SAB-MULS, and NALAS have signed
        centralization and regional development,   an MoU for cooperation to capacity building for
        various policy landscapes covering the   civil servants through establishing the E-Acad-
        local economic development, the sectors   emy  in  Darkhan-Uul  Province  during  the  Best
        of sustainable tourism, agriculture, and   Practice Forum.
        manufacturing with a focus on leather,   The  FRIENDSHIP  project’s  second  Best
        textile, food, and beverages; and other   Practice Forum will be held in Europe between
        SMEs product value chain remained the   Oct-30-2022 to Nov-9-2022.
        topic  of  attention.  In  addition,  the  Best
        Practices Forum has offered the Europe-

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