Page 10 - Strengthening EU-Mongolia Friendship through Equitable, Resilient andInnovative Growth in Darkhan-Uul Province 2022-2025 PROGRESS UPDATE -1
P. 10


            During the implementation period of   The hub ensures gender-balanced
        the FRIENDSHIP project, 100 entrepre-  attendance of the entrepreneurs and en-
        neurs  from the social  and  technological   courages  them to acknowledge  circular
        sectors of Darkhan-Uul  province will be   economy, climate change  adaptive  ap-
        trained by  the EU-DIEH through the ten   proaches,  methane  reduction,  or other
        training curricula. Last month, the EU-  carbon-friendly  solutions  in addition  to
        DIEH partnered with mentor teachers   being innovative in their project proposals.
        of  the  G.E.R  Management Consortium,   Ultimately, three winners who meet all the
        Mongolia and trained 57 potential start-up   requirements  will  be provided  with tech-
        entrepreneurs towards “Startup Business   nical assistance and seed funding by the
        Empowerment Module-1”. Currently, 29 of   hub at the end of this project implementing
        them successfully progressed  to access   year. Please refer to the training curricu-
        the  second training curriculum, which is   lum 1 and 2 roadmap below.
        being provided by Impact Pro consultan-
        cy, Mongolia.  Module  1 training was to   Agriculture, Waste Recycling, and
        provide the  foundational knowledge  of   Light Industries are seen as  the  main
        start-up business, while module 2 training   categories of the project proposals  by
        focuses explicitly on supporting attendees   our attendees,  and  we are seeking  the
        to make their business idea real through   best practices and potential  cooperation
        face-to-face coaching, mentoring, boot   in  these  fields  from  the  upcoming  Study
        camping, and acceleration programs.    Visit, Best Practice Forum, and EU-case
                                            study Visit in Europe.

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