Page 11 - Strengthening EU-Mongolia Friendship through Equitable, Resilient andInnovative Growth in Darkhan-Uul Province 2022-2025 PROGRESS UPDATE -1
P. 11

“                                     “

                                                 Networking events and classes
           There is usually a shortage of
           grazing land for bees in some
                                                 deeply motivate me to join and
           seasons. By attending the             on “SMEs cluster development”
           Friendship project EU-DIEH            cooperate with other training
           training, I learned that it is important   participants in the same field.
           to explore my inner resources first. I   During the training, we together
           found out that it is possible to work   established the Darkhan Branch
           with the people who grow fruits,      of the Mongolian National Waste
                                                 Recycling Association in our
           Sum. It is a win-win as bee grazing   city and are looking forward to
           increases their harvest and makes     growing together as community
           their plants more good quality        change agents.  “

           vegetables, and flowers in Orkhon “
                              Zolzaya.Kh                            Alimaa. M
               Project proposal: Ulemj honey       Project proposal: To establish a
                           /Orkhon soum/           community collection center for
                                                            recyclable materials

                                                            One of the training

                                                           Workplace coaching
                                                           for start-up businesses
                                                           «Charaha» kids boot

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