The project name: The FRIENDSHIP, co-funded by the European Union -Strengthening EU- Mongolia Friendship through Equitable, Resilient and Innovative Growth in Darkhan Uul-Province
Purpose: Developing a Pipeline of Climate Change Investment Project within the scope of Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) and article 6 of the Paris Agreement
The executive summary of the project
FRIENDSHIP Project, co-funded by the European Union to Darkhan-Uul Province Municipality provides a unique opportunity to provincial administration to explore and engage with European and International partners to catalyse an enabling environment for investigation of sub-national landscape on climate change project preparation support and to search for matching funding and investment for implementing the projects based on the readiness for investment proposal. During the project preparation support and development of pipeline, the initiative will engage with national government ecosystem, project development and planning support facilities and private sector to assist Darkhan-Uul in completing a bankable, investment- ready climate projects ready to provide a roadmap and economy for sustainable transition.
Core Objective:
• To conduct a comprehensive feasibility study for identification and scoping exercise to determine the Carbon Credit generating potential of Darkhan-Uul Province. This study will set up an institutional framework for cooperation and engagement for Darkhan-Uul Province for generating and monetising carbon credits within the provincial region.
• To deliver a pre-feasibility/ feasibility study for the eligible projects, financial modelling for implementation of carbon credit projects qualifies under the avoidance and or removal schemes.
• To consider a possibility of developing a Draft-PDD, wherever possible based on the feasibility.
• To implement and demonstrate the certification needs of projects with focus on available standards under avoidance and removal category.
• Reviewing the applicability of EU carbon avoidance and removal schemes for collaboration partnerships
Location: Project should be implemented in Darkhan-Uul province.
Submission documents and location: Applicants must submit their proposals through email (please make all efforts to provide your proposal should be pdf file) at of the FRIENDSHIP project, co-funded by the EU by the deadline 17:00 ULN, 05 August 2024 and hard copy will be delivered to the Europe-Darkhan Innovation Entrepreneurship Hub in the Darkhan campus of the Mongolian University of Life Sciences, University street 103, Darkhan soum, Darkhan-Uul aimag, Mongolia. Your proposal will not be submitted if the deadline is late. Click here to download the concept note.
The scope of the invitation: Applicants, highly skilled and experienced, from any organizations and consortium from Mongolia, Europe and Asia are available to equally participate in it. Please let us know through contact at +976 70373737 once the project proposal is submitted.