Day 3
Rijeka, Croatia
Mr. Marko Filipovic, Mayor of Rijeka, Croatia welcomed us at the city hall. Mr. Goran Cvetanovic, Mayor of Leskovac, Serbia, President of Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia, President of NALAS; Mr. Dusan Raicevic, Mayor of Bar, Montenegro; Mr. Kelmend Zajazi, NALAS Executive Director; Mr. Dario Runtic, Advisor, Association of Cities of the Republic of Croatia; Ms. Maja Boskovic, Protocol and Public Relations Advisor, City of Rijeka were present at the welcome meeting.
During the meeting, Azjargal. B, Governor of Darkhan-Uul Province and Tulga. T, Governor of Darkhan soum highlighted that the FRIENDSHIP project is working as a bridge to localize the best practices of European cities in their locality and expand the province’s foreign relations cooperation. They also said that many new ideas and good practices can be implemented in Darkhan as a result of this visit.
• Mr. Goran Cvetanovic, President of NALAS, in his speech mentioned the possibility of cooperation with Darkhan-Uul province in the fields of garment production and agriculture.
• Mr. Marko Filipovic, Mayor of Rijeka shared his best experience of smart city and sustainable tourism and noted that he is ready to create cooperation in this field.