Page 2 - Strengthening EU-Mongolia Friendship through Equitable, Resilient and Innovative Growth in Darkhan-Uul Province 2022-2025
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           Within the framework of the project proposal call by the European Union, “EuropeAid/171273/
        DH/ACT/Multi-2 Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities”, the Darkhan-Uul Province
        Municipality team (lead applicant), the School of Agroecology and Business, Mongolian University
        of Life Science (co-applicant) and Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East
        Europe(co-applicant) submitted a joint application and received a grant for FRIENDSHIP-
        Strengthening EU- Mongolia Friendship through Equitable, Resilient and Innovative Growth in
        Darkhan- Uul Province project. The project will be implemented for 36 months from February 1,

         Strengthening EU-Mongolia Partnership & Cooperation
         Deepening Commitment on Joint Programming through EU-Darkhan Inter-Regional
                                   JOINT PROGRAMMING
                               1. Improving public service delivery for
                                   sustainable growth
                               2. Inclusive growth and sustainable jobs
                               3. Low-carbon, resource efficient,
             GREEN VISION 2050      green circular economy.   ALLIANCE FROM EUROPEAN UNION
                               4. Governance, anti-corruption and
            GOOD GOVERNANCE        transparency, human rights, and civil society.   Green Deal Alliance
            GREEN DEVELOPMENT                           Alliance for Sustainable Growth and Jobs
                                                        Alliances for Science, Technology,
            REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT                        and Innovation
            HUMAN DEVELOPMENT                           Digital Governance
            QUALITY OF MIDDLE CLASS                     Peace and Security, Human Development
                                   OUR APPROACHES TO
                                 1.  City -to-City
                                 2.  Region-to-Region
                                 3.  Inter-Regional Cluster Collaboration
                                 4.  Inter-Regional Innovation and
                                   Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
                                 5.  Localization of SDGs
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