Social/ IT Entrepreneurship pilot projects

Within the IV Pillar of the FRIENDSHIP project, co-funded by the European Union, 4 pilot projects have been selected for implementation in 2 fields: supporting Social / IT Entrepreneurship and Municipal services water, sanitation, and energy (participatory e-governance and infrastructure provisions). KD LLC successfully participated in the pilot project to support Social / IT Entrepreneurship and was selected as one of the best 2 project proposals and received a contract to receive financial and technical support of up to 100,000,000 MNT.

Project name: “Virtual Science Museum”

The goal of the project is to establish a Science Museum in Darkhan-Uul Province. It is a science museum based on VR technology, which aims to increase the cognitive and scientific knowledge of all ages, spend leisure time productively, attract the interest of children and youth to scientific creations, and support the development of creative and scientific thinking. Within this goal, many interesting events based on VR technology will be organized.

Beneficiaries: Children and youth, people of all ages, and people with disabilities.

In addition, the project will cooperate with the Cultural and recreation center of Darkhan City, and My Mongolia Park will have one more place for children and youth to spend their free time.

Within the IV Pillar of the FRIENDSHIP project, co-funded by the European Union, 4 pilot projects have been selected for implementation in 2 fields: supporting Social / IT Entrepreneurship and Municipal services water, sanitation, and energy (participatory e-governance and infrastructure provisions). Danda Solution LLC successfully participated in the pilot project to support Social / IT Entrepreneurship and was selected as one of the best 2 project proposals and received a contract to receive financial and technical support of up to 100,000,000 MNT.

Project name: “ERP & Home center” system and e-home app

The purpose of this project is to assess the coordination among various elements, including government data, government employees, and management, as well as the performance of government employees at the local level. This evaluation aligns with the comprehensive national policy document for the implementation of e-governance. Additionally, the project aims to create a web portal and a mobile phone-friendly version of an ERP system. This effort seeks to digitize certain services that citizens can independently manage, making them accessible to citizens through a single, user-friendly platform.

Beneficiaries: The target groups in society comprise the elderly, individuals with disabilities, rural populations residing far from central settlements, individuals living in temples, those with limited literacy skills, ethnic minorities, and residents of public housing.

On one hand, the government is in the process of digitizing its services. On the other hand, citizens often lack the necessary knowledge in this field, and government electronic services fail to reach their intended recipients. To address these issues, the proposed solution involves developing a platform tailored to the needs of all three key stakeholders: CITIZENS, CIVIL OFFICERS, and MANAGEMENT. This platform should be user-friendly for citizens, engage policymakers, and promote meaningful performance among public servants.