Forum I

The first Best Practice Forum has been successfully organized on the 1st and 2nd of July 2022 in Darkhan-Uul Province.
The Best Practice Forum has been highly successful, with a fair presentation from the EU within the leadership of NASAL. NASAL Secretary General Mr. Kelmend Zajazi led the delegation; high-level mayoral delegations and the other secretariat team members from NASAL accompanied him. The high-level mayoral delegation included Marko Filipović, the mayor of Rijeka; Tadej Beočanin, the mayor of Ajdovscina; Jasmina Vidmar, the Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia (SOS); Dušan Raičević, Mayor of Bar. d
The Best Practice Forum has been a highly motivating presence for SMEs, associations, and non-profits representing women, youth, and indigenous communities from Darkhan. In addition, the forum has provided an opportunity for engagement on the National Government Plan for decentralization and regional development, various policy landscapes covering local economic growth, and the sectors of sustainable tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing with a focus on leather, textile, food, and beverages; and other SMEs product value chain remained the topics of attention.